Annual Picnic
Sun, Sep 12
|Home of Ellen Burns
Our Annual Wellesley Dems Picnic is back! Hope to see you there for a long-awaited in-person reunion! We encourage you to pay your $15/person contribution in advance through ActBlue. Please click on the 'Contribute' link that you find below. Thank you!

Time & Location
Sep 12, 2021, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Home of Ellen Burns, 4 Croton St, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
About the event
Join us to hear from Elected State and Local Officials, Candidates for State Office, and Activist Organizations.
Plus! Live Music, Food and Drinks
Suggested contribution: $15 per person (Contribute here) We welcome additional contributions to support the work of the Committee. *Covid Vaccination or Masks Required. This Event will adhere with local Covid guidelines.
Rain Date is Sunday, September 19th at 4-6pm.